
About Ahdaf

Ahdaf (registration number: 1121435) was established in 2007 by JD Perkins, Georgina Reeves and Jamal Saad.


A bequest from the Perkins family enabled us to start Ahdaf, for which we are grateful. But we want to do more than just help talented students go to university: we want to encourage students to realise the power they have that can help develop and shape their communities.

Ahdaf employs no one and is run entirely by volunteers. This means all our funds go directly to helping students.

JD Perkins
An award winning photographer currently based in Cairo, JD has photographed extensively in Israel and Palestine. His website is at

Georgina Reeves
A writer based in Bethlehem and London. Her online journal is at

Jamal Saad
A  Palestinian refugee from Bethlehem currently living in London having gained an MSc in Middle East politics from the University of London.

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